joomla templates


In this vivid acrylic painting, I've harnessed the raw power of emotions, channeling a visceral energy onto the canvas. The spontaneous bursts of vibrant colors and dynamic strokes create a sensation of release and liberation. Through abstraction, I invite viewers to connect with their own inner intensities, allowing the artwork to resonate and invigorate their space with a compelling presence.

Kriváň II.

Summer Vibe

Summer time with its heat, sunshine, fun, travels, relax and ice-cream brings vibrations of joy, satisfaction, happiness and gratitude. Pink and yellow on a white background are the only colours deliberately used to leave space for a day-dreaming. My Summer symbolises ease, freedom, abundance of joy, time, friends, fresh mornings, late evenings, top mountain views and relax.

Happy Inner Child

New Desire

Your Brain is a Puzzle II.

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